
Grim fandango betting stub puzzle
Grim fandango betting stub puzzle

Instead of using it, walk south and go into the morgue. Show this pass to Glottis, then head upstairs and talk to Lupe. Get a bottle of gold flake alcohol from the bar, then go into the casino and ask Chowchilla Charlie to make you a fake union card. Head back to your club (using the elevator near the Blue Casket), and go down the stairs. Give the labor book to Terry, the SeaBee. Now leave the club and head south towards the Dry Docks. Get the book on labor organizing from the table. Show Salvador's letters to one of the locals. Go back to the club's office and talk to Lola, the photographer, followed by Olivia. Leave the docks, and head through the hub to the Blue Casket. Talk to Velasco about getting on the Limbo. Walk inside and pick up the letter from Salvador. Talk to Celso about his wife, then show her picture to Velasco (the sailor who rescued you) - you will get a log book. Now go up the stairs and into the building. Head into the fog to the right of the stairs (and fall off the edge). Use your key in the lock to leave the forest. Repeat this twice more, then go back out to Glottis. As the beaver jumps after it, spray it with the fire extinguisher. Head down the path to the left and throw the bone into the river. Go through again and pick up a 3 bones from the pile. Go through the door in the dam and you will be chased by a flaming beaver. You now have a supercar, and can drive up the north path from the previous screen. When you have done this, assuming Glottis is still at the top of the machine, flip the switch. You now need to push and pull the wheelbarrow so that the two left pumps work together, followed by the two right pumps. Flip the control switch to turn the machine off. Walk down and get the key from the sign, then head back to your car. Repeat this process until a secret cave opens. Carry it a little bit in the direction it was pointing and plant it again. Now place the signpost in the middle of the clearing, note the direction and pick it up.

grim fandango betting stub puzzle

Get out of the car, pick it up, and walk to the northwest. Run back and put the heart in Glottis - he will drive around and knock the signpost over. Pick up a bone, and throw it at the web, then use your scythe on it until it breaks free. The Petrified ForestĪfter the spiders take Glottis' heart, walk through the forest until you can see it. You will be escorted to the petrified forest. Head back to Salvador and give it to him. Get some auto-body fluid with the mouthpiece, then use it to make an imprint of your teeth. Go back up again, and into the shack where you were locked up. Climb back down to the ground, and talk to the blue circle in the alleyway - you will take the lift down. Place the balloon on the feeding dish, and the bread on the balloon - the pigeons will leave.

grim fandango betting stub puzzle

Walk towards the pigeons - they chase you away. Now throw the rope to the ladder and start climbing. Hit the punching bag 3 times, then pick up the mouth piece. Enter the 3rd window, then get some coral from the desk drawer. Climb up the rope as before, and walk around the ledge. Talk to Salvador, asking about your mission. Knock on the door and talk until you get let out. Talk to Mercedes, then leave your office and head towards Eva. Put the punched card in the red tube and you will get a client. Talk to him, then leave the room and go back in again. Flip the dead bolt to make sure the door stays open when the janitor leaves. Get the fire extinguisher from the wall, then go to the metal door. Now head down to the tube room (left of the lobby). Go into your office, and put the two balloons in your message tube. Talk to Dom in his office (next to yours) - note his red message tube. Enter the packing room (on the right as you enter) and fill each dead worm with one of the fluids. Get any balloon from him, then 2 dead worms. Get some bread, then talk to the clown making balloon animals. Get Eva to sign the work order.Īfter you arrive back upstairs, go straight back down, and head outside (after getting abused by the janitor). Now head back out the window, down the rope and back into the office building. Look at the computer - choose the response that instruct Eva to sign for Copal. Climb up the rope and into Copal's office through the window.

grim fandango betting stub puzzle

Go down the main elevator, through the lobby and out to the street, heading down a side alley. Talk to Eva and try to get that work order signed - your boss will say no. Talk Glottis into driving (tell him the cars are too small). Head to the shack in the corner, and knock on the door. Go through the door on the left, and down into the garage. Talk to Eva about the poisoning, then use your deck of cards with the hole punch on Eva's desk. You start in Manny's office - check the mail (getting the memo) and take the cards from the table, then leave your office.

Grim fandango betting stub puzzle